As well as developing an in-depth understanding of the practical, theoretical and contemporary issues within the industry, students are offered a variety of real-world learning experiences whilst studying at UCLan which greatly enhance their future career prospects.
High Adventure Outdoor Education Centre in Keighley have recognised these qualities during the past few years, offering roles to a number of our graduates.
Tim Ferguson, Director of High Adventure, said: "As an employer within the outdoor education industry it's very clear to see the difference between graduates from UCLan and all the others from across the UK.
"There's no comparison between UCLan and the rest in terms of the professionalism, experience and knowledge they possess. They are better prepared and have a greater ability to enter the world of work within the industry.
"UCLan graduates always have a significant amount of outdoor education experience, they are always vastly superior technicians, have far greater teaching, instructing and coaching abilities and give you a warm reassuring feeling they really comprehend the outdoor industry.
"I'm given 24 seasonal staff to work with every year, and without knowing anyone's background I can always guess which ones are the UCLan graduates. They are always more knowledgeable, already part or fully qualified in some of the 'hard ticket' activities and always stand out as the better instructors."
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