The event offered a variety of practical and theoretical presentations on all aspects of cycling; delivered by academics, policy makers and advocates, all with a shared interest in cycling and cycling culture.
Pete believes the Symposium has vastly improved his future career prospects: "This event offered a unique opportunity to present a poster illustrating the research I've carried out over Summer 2013 into motivations for riding venue choice among mountain bikers, with PhD students, town planners and academics.
"I've shared my own ideas and intentions for the direction of the research with likeminded people seeking to understand life history through cycling behaviour, cyclotourism and the rise of middle aged man in lycra.
"What did I learn? Well, despite my trepidation at being surrounded by academic cyclists I realised that even as an undergraduate just beginning my academic career, the effort during the last two years at UCLan is coming to fruition, allowing me to confidently present and talk about my own research.
"All of this has helped me to realise my own ambitions to continue my academic career and the possibility of pursuing a career in academic research."
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